VBots and HumanizeAI: Your Guide to Training with Role Description and Steps

See, We all have tried ChatGPT and probably have been amazed by it. But, have you ever thought of making your own ChatGPT Bot? A bot that learns your skills and preferences and then helps others on your behalf?

Well, that's what HumanizeAI is all about. We are a platform that lets you create your own AI ChatBot, train it with your own Knowledge, and then deploy it to help others. And the best part? You don't need to know any coding to do that!

Let's checkout below, how simple it is to create your own AI Bot.


Step 1: Create A Bot

First things first, you need to create a bot. You can do that by clicking on the 'Create Bot' in the dashboard as you login. You will be asked to enter a name for your bot. Once you do that, your AI Bot has been created (but not setup). So, go ahead and click on the 'Setup Bot' button to start training your bot. Remember, the first Bot you train is your primary Bot, that is the Primary Bot should replicate you, and its settings is in-sync with your Account Settings. So, make sure you train your primary Bot first well.

Step 2: Train Your Bot

Firstly, you would need to put some basic info for your bot. This includes the:

Bot's name,

Description (That would be shown to other users scrolling on the Platform),

the Bot's Profile Picture & the Main Things

Botrole (How it should act) &

Rules (Strict Rules that it should follow).

After putting these information in the setup page, you're ready to go for the Next One

Now, you can train your Bot while Chatting (the fun part), by including PDFs & Images as well. The Bot will learn from the content of the PDF (hopefullly it's readable by it), & will remember the images (as per the caption you provide) & the PDF Content or whatever you Chat with it, for future use while other users chat with your bot.

If you want your bot to remain on the Platform that's great, but if you wanna put the Bot on your Website, you can do that too!

You can do that by clicking on the 'Embeding' Section in the Dashboard. You will be asked to choose the Bot which you want to get the API for, and then you will be provided with a code. You can paste that code in your website's code, and your bot will be live on your website.

Checking in and Updating

Just like you wouldn't wear last year's fashion, your Bot should always be up-to-date. Every now and then, take a look at your Role Description and Steps and see if they need a revamp. You might add new Steps, tweak the Role Description, or even come up with a whole new role for your Bot!

Wrap Up

So there you have it! With a solid Role Description and some simple Steps, you can train your Bot to be the ultimate personal assistant. Don't forget, it's all about creating a Bot that not only does the job but also feels uniquely you. So get out there and start cooking up your perfect Bot!

HumanizeAI is a platform that lets you create your own AI ChatBot that learns your preferences and skills. And then helps others on your behalf!!